Checklist: What to bring to a Craft Fair.

I don’t know about you, but if I don’t write something down on a list: it won’t happen; it didn’t happen; I’ll forget to bring it; I’ll forget to leave it…you get the picture 🙂

Here is a list of items that I used to bring to the Craft Market where I had my own stall:

  1. Change in bills and coins – which I stored in a money apron like the one pictured below (those who can sew can easily whip one up – those who can’t sew can try befriending someone who can!)
  2. Drinks, tasty pack lunch and snacks – you could of course leave your stall to buy your lunch from a shop, but I always thought that leaving your stall was not ideal, even with another trader watching the stall for you.
  3. Fold-up chair and cushion – cushion is important, believe me! Happy bum = happy trader.
  4. Stationery – pens, scissors, bull-dog clips, strong tape, cleaning cloth, rubber bands, string, stapler, plastic bag for rubbish, lighting (if not supplied by the market) bags for customers to carry their items, and a note pad (for recording sales and for making notes, I also made notes about things like observations about customer behavior, what seems to be popular, idea for selling new items etc.)
  5. Marketing materials – business cards (placed in attractive box/bowl), small signs (i.e to advertise the material content, or special offer, etc.) a large sign displaying your company name and logo, with website, and contact details to put in front of your table.
  6. Extra inventory to re-stock your table – I always thought it was best to have a well stocked but not full looking table. It’s best to re-stock you table rather than put everything you have for sale on display (or it might look as if you have loads to sell, but it isn’t selling!)
  7. Bring some WIPs – that way you can sit and make stuff during quiet moments. Passers by like to see the artist at work because it gives your handmade items more credibility and authenticity. I thought that making more craft to sell looked better than reading a newspaper or a book.
  8. Stall Decorations – it’s a nice idea to pretty up your stall; it will set your stall apart from other stalls and it will add warmth and personality to you and your products. Choose one or two props that relate in some way to your craft items.
  9. Stall accessories – lighting and multi adapters (if not supplied by the market. If you can have a spotlight or two than you should because a well-lit stall attracts passers-by and your products will look better in the light), lots of big sprung clips (great for keeping awnings, and table cloths under control) a tablecloth, and if necessary fabric for a roof and walls, or a tent if outside (I’d keep it plain so the focus will be fully on your products and not on the patterned cloth), table, display racks or shelves as necessary.
  10. Personals – headache pills, plasters, hand cream, tissues, seasonal clothing (hat, mittens, scarf, etc.) camera to take cools shots of your table (to put on your crafty blog of course!)

From Pamwares. This is a bit more cheerful than the usual plain black money apron.

7 responses to “Checklist: What to bring to a Craft Fair.

  1. That’s a pretty comprehensive list, well done!
    Can I also suggest that if you are outside, in a marquee or tent, it’s also a good idea to have a tarpaulin or some cardboard to stand on, it helps stop feet from getting too cold and achey .

  2. Thanks Linnhe! That’s an ace top tip for preventing achey cold tootsies. 🙂

  3. Great ideas! And thank you! I’ve been invited to sell my bags at a local farmer’s/craft market in May and have been getting things together. I used to make/sell pottery, so some items I already have.
    I used to have plastic totes with lids (like the Rubber Maid kind) to keep supplies in. One was marked “Office” which held extra cash, first aid, personal items, sationary items, and smaller marketing items.
    Another plastic tote was marked “Hardware” for items like tape, hammer (good for outside/steaking down tent), rope or twine, work gloves, anything you would need from a tool box. I also kept table cloths or anything that had to stay clean in a separate container. The more I separated things out, the more organized I was. Not easy for a slob like me ; ).
    I love the idea of standing on cardboard! Never thought of that : ).

  4. Pingback: Craft staplers | FirstLoveConsulting

  5. i have shared this post on my blog, think it is a very helpful guide x

  6. froghollowcatering

    That’s a brilliant list – we are looking to do some craft style fairs this year to promote our cake decorating side of the business any other tips re selling at markets/fairs greatly appreciated.

  7. Pingback: Craft Fair Preparation Series: Part V- Checklist | Rediscovering Yesterday

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