Advice for designer-makers: Pricing, Marketing and Selling Online

Making and selling your own work can be so satisfying and rewarding. But at the same time there’s so much to think about that it can also be incredibly frustrating! From working out what to charge, to setting up your online shop, to marketing your work, not to forget actually making the products.

But the good news is that there’s loads of free advice out there online for designer-makers. To help you make sense of it all, we’ll be posting a couple of round-ups of the best tips on the internet, and today we’re looking at Pricing,  Marketing and Selling Online.


This is one of the trickiest things to work out when you’re just starting off. Many people sell their goods far too cheaply. There are lots of things to think about, including the price of materials, the amount of time you spend working on something, and the mark-up that a shop will put on it (if you’re thinking about selling wholesale). Here are some useful guides:


So now you have your lovely hand-made goods and you’ve worked out your prices. But how do you let people know your work exists?

Selling Online:

There’s two informative posts about this already on the Craftaganza blog, so make sure you have a read of these:

Are you wondering which site you should be selling on? There’s lots of comparisons online which could help you decide:

And finally, if you’re wondering where selling online can fit into the bigger picture, here’s a useful overview of different markets for your products:

We hope that was useful for you – look out for another post later this week with some more informative links. And if you have any of your own, post them in the comments here!

4 responses to “Advice for designer-makers: Pricing, Marketing and Selling Online

  1. Thanks for sharing this post. Very useful indeed. Elizabeth

  2. These are great links. I think the most important thing to start selling online is to just do it! It’s much easier if you start slowly and just sell one item to see what’s it’s like then you can build as you learn from your and other peoples mistakes. Happy selling.

    – Frank

  3. Pingback: Advice for Designer-makers: Beating creative block | brightoncraftaganza

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